High-Quality Supplements


Our Supplements

At Living Health Holistic, we offer practitioner-grade vitamins and supplements that are much higher quality than what you typically find in a drugstore or health food store. It comes as a surprise to many people that dietary supplement manufacturers are not required to get the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval before marketing a product. Therefore, it is important to be confident that you are purchasing quality supplements, which starts with knowing what to look for and where to shop. Hint: It’s not your grocery store’s supplement aisle!

Our supplements include a variety of vitamins and traditional supplements as well as holistic medicines, some of which can serve as a natural alternative to conventional medicine. Ask us about how herbal supplements can be part of your holistic approach to health!

Feel free to stop by our New Braunfels storefront and shop during our normal hours or contact us with any questions you may have. Our supplements are also available for our patients to purchase online.


Why do quality supplements matter?

Since manufacturers are not required to seek FDA approval or third-party testing, there are many supplements on the market that are ineffective or even harmful to your health. Cheap supplements often contain fillers and poor quality ingredients, such as fish oil from fish that are high in mercury. Synthetic food colorings are often used to make a tablet or capsule look more appealing, but certain chemicals in these dyes have been linked to hyperactivity, behavioral changes, allergies, and even cancer.

We firmly believe that consumers should be cognizant of everything they are putting into their bodies, from food to supplements. Nutrition is crucial to the health of your mind and body. As a result, we are proud to sell only high-quality supplement brands that pass our quality standards. If we wouldn’t take a product ourselves, we won’t put it on our shelves!

Are you an existing patient? Shop our supplements below!

Featured Product

 ASEA REDOX is the first and only supplement on the market that contains active redox signaling molecules, powerful cellular messengers that help protect, rejuvenate, and restore cells. Contact Living Health to learn more!

Contact us today.

If you have any questions we are here to answer them for you. Fill out the form with your message and we’ll be in touch shortly.

(830) 632-5906

1208 N Academy Ave Suite 2101, New Braunfels, TX, 78130


Get started with Living Health, today.