Low-Dose Immunotherapy


What is low-dose immunotherapy (LDI)?

Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI) works by retraining the immune system to reduce inflammatory response and improve immune tolerance. LDI can be used to reduce allergy symptoms and can even be effective for certain autoimmune conditions and chronic illnesses that are triggered by an immune response to a bacteria, allergen, or other substances that your body recognizes as foreign. Patients with autoimmune diseases, chronic Lyme disease, and overactive immune systems have reported an improvement in symptoms after completing LDI sessions.


How is LDI administered?

LDI is administered in diluted doses via tasteless subliminal tongue drops. Since it can be used to treat allergies, many patients prefer LDI to allergy shots.

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(830) 632-5906

1208 N Academy Ave Suite 2101, New Braunfels, TX, 78130


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