EVOX Perception Reframing

What is EVOX Perception Reframing?

Your voice says more than you think. When you talk about something upsetting, your voice might shake. When you talk about something you love, your tone sounds happy and confident. The varying frequencies of your voice can indicate how you feel, whether consciously or unconsciously, about topics that impact your life.

By identifying the roots of unwanted behaviors and emotions and reframing perceptions that may be negatively impacting your life, you can improve your relationships with yourself and others, reduce stress and depression, overcome anxiety and phobias, and release past trauma that may be controlling your subconscious and holding you back from being your best self.


What can I expect during an EVOX session?

Guided by our practitioner, the session will begin by using ZYTO EVOX technology to record your voice while you talk about various topics. The EVOX uses the tone of your voice to map the frequencies into different perception index zones, which represent various emotions such as anger, conflicting beliefs, emotional suppression, and fear.

The voice map will identify areas of concern that are causing the most negative impact to your mental, physical, and emotional health. The reframing process includes using gentle music, positive frequencies, and light frame glasses to create positive associations with a difficult topic. When your voice begins to shift towards positive perception indexes, the session is considered successful.

Over a series of sessions, perception reframing helps to break the connection between traumatic subconscious memories and present-day behavior patterns, thus creating new neural pathways that put you in control of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. As a result, you can expect to become more confident, calm, happy, and in control of your emotions.

Contact us today.

If you have any questions we are here to answer them for you. Fill out the form with your message and we’ll be in touch shortly.

(830) 632-5906

1208 N Academy Ave Suite 2101, New Braunfels, TX, 78130


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