What is Holistic Healthcare?
The roots of holistic healthcare date back thousands of years and come from all parts of the world. During the Han Dynasty, ancient Chinese medicine texts focused on the imbalance of “qi”, or energy, as a cause of ill health (1). In India over 3,000 years ago, Ayurveda medicine was based on the idea that stress and imbalance are the cause of health issues (2). German practitioners in the 18th century began using homeopathy to treat a wide range of diseases (3). And thousands of years ago in North America, Native American medicine focused on balancing mental, physical, and spiritual health, and used plants and herbs to treat illness (4). These cultures all shared a similar approach to healthcare- that it’s about more than just symptoms, pills, or specific body parts. It’s about the mind, body, and spirit.
So, what does holistic healthcare mean in our modern-day world?
Holistic healthcare today focuses on a whole-body approach to achieve optimal overall health. Holistic treatment plans treat the whole person, not just their symptoms. This approach merges Eastern and Western medicine and integrates physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social, and environmental health aspects (5). Being unwell in any one of these aspects can throw the body out of balance and impact any of the other aspects.
For example, stress has been linked to a wide range of chronic diseases and conditions, including cardiovascular disease, immune dysfunction, cancer, headaches, memory loss, and even loss of relationships and general quality of life (6). Though stress is a psychological response, it can negatively affect all other aspects of health. Likewise, studies show that people with quality relationships and social support systems are happier and have an increased life expectancy and lower risk of disease than those with negative social relationships (7). This shows just how strongly social relationships and the environment impact both our physical and mental health.
Holistic care not only focuses on the whole body but also encompasses both preventative wellness and regenerative medicine, rather than treating just symptoms and disease alone (5). It treats the body and mind as a whole system, rather than treating each system separately. For example, back pain could be caused by kidney issues, chronic stress, improper ergonomics, pathogens, and many other factors. Holistic practitioners take inventory of a patient’s life history and current lifestyle choices that could be influencing their health, such as diet, exercise, stress, and other environmental factors, just to name a few. These practitioners empower patients by giving them the tools, resources, and knowledge to implement in their everyday life in order to prevent, support, and regenerate their own health.
What are some common holistic treatments?
Holistic practitioners use a variety of techniques in order to attain and maintain optimal health. Here at Living Health Holistic, our practitioner Leslie Tatum offers a wide range of services to support clients on their health journey, from homeopathy to detox services. These services include:
Autonomic Response Testing
The autonomic nervous system.
ART is a non-invasive, biofeedback enhanced physical exam that uses changes in muscle tone as a primary indicator for identifying obstacles blocking your health. It was developed by Doctor Dietrich Klinghardt as a way of communicating with the autonomic nervous system, which regulates and controls multiple body systems, such as liver and kidney detoxification, immune function, sleep patterns, heart rate, and more (8).
Colon Hydrotherapy
Also known as a “colonic”, colonic irrigation, or colon cleanse, is a gentle procedure in which regulated amounts of water are flushed through the colon. Colon hydrotherapy removes waste, promotes digestive health and detoxification, and can improve gastrointestinal symptoms (9). People with chronic constipation, difficult bowel movements, bloating, low energy, or other gut-related issues may benefit from this service.
Low-Dose Allergen Therapy
LDA works by retraining your immune system to react only to the truly dangerous antigens with which it comes in contact. LDA specifically treats environmental allergens, like pollens, food proteins, or chemicals (10). These treatments are administered in diluted doses via tasteless sublingual tongue drops.
Low-Dose Immunotherapy
LDI is similar to LDA in that it works by retraining the immune system to reduce inflammatory responses and improve immune tolerance to viruses and bacteria (11). These treatments are also administered in diluted doses via tasteless sublingual tongue drops. LDI can be helpful for people with autoimmune diseases, chronic Lyme disease, and people with overactive immune systems.
The lymphatic system is vital to the immune system.
Electro-Lymphatic Therapy
ELT is a safe and gentle way of encouraging the drainage and cleansing of the lymphatic system (12). It can detoxify body tissue, promote T-cell development, reduce inflammation and swelling, stimulate the immune system and circulatory system, and help improve skin regulation and wound healing. This service is helpful for people suffering from inflammation, lymphoedema, chronic pain, certain autoimmune conditions like eczema, injuries from sports or accidents, or those who feel generally sluggish.
Ionic Foot Bath
Ionic detox foot spas are designed to aid the body’s natural detoxification process by stimulating natural body cleansing and drawing out toxins and heavy metals through the skin pores (13). Some benefits of the ionic foot bath include improved immune system and immune functions, increased peripheral blood circulation, reduced inflammation, allergy and asthma relief. It can also reverse many skin disorders, like acne, cellulitis, fungus, or psoriasis, provide relief for joint pain and headache, and improve memory and sleep.
Prolozone Injections
Prolozone injections are an established nonsurgical, regenerative treatment in alternative therapies used to treat chronic pain, inflammation, and infection (14). Prolozone treatments enhance cellular oxygen utilization, blood flow, cellular healing, and pain relief. This therapy is beneficial for a broad constellation of conditions.
Sinus Ozone Insufflation
Ozone has three oxygen atoms.
Sinus ozone therapy relieves sinus pressure and kills infection, viruses, and bacteria. During this therapy, ozone is filtered through cloth and inhaled into the sinuses through the nostrils. People often report immediate relief from nasal and sinus symptoms, including those caused by acute or chronic sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, and upper respiratory infections (15).
Vaginal Ozone/Rectal Ozone
Ozone has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects on unhealthy cells. It also kills parasites and is a great addition after a hydrocolonic.
Vitamin Cocktail and B12 Injections
Our vitamin cocktail includes a combination of amino acids, vitamins for immune support, and L-Carnitine for weight loss. Our B12 boosts your energy levels and improves sleep.
1. https://www.actcm.edu/chinese-medicine
8. https://epidemicanswers.org/reference-library/mind-body-spirit/autonomic-response-testing/
9. https://www.infusio.org/treatments/colon-hydrotherapy/
10. https://www.allergy.org.au/patients/allergy-treatment/allergen-immunotherapy-faqs
11. http://imcwcnew.bpl.fyi/low-dose-immuotherapy/
14. https://riordanclinic.org/therapies/prolozone-therapy/