5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”- Albert Einstein

What is Vibrational Energy?

At Living Health Holistic, we are all about energy. Everything in the universe is made up of energy, which means it carries a frequency. In chemistry class, you likely learned that everything is made up of atoms, which are in a constant state of motion, meaning they are constantly vibrating or oscillating back and forth very quickly (1). The rate at which atoms are moving is called their frequency. Objects that are made up of atoms can appear as either a solid, liquid, or gas, depending on their frequency. Even things that appear to be stationary or things that you’re unable to see are actually vibrating, including sound, light, and thoughts (1). These are all made up of electromagnetic waves that vibrate and move through space at various frequencies.

What do frequencies have to do with health? The frequency at which we operate is attuned to our emotions (2). In other words, whatever emotion we’re feeling creates the frequency of our vibration. Emotions that vibrate at a low frequency include fear, anger, anxiety, depression, and stress, whereas emotions that vibrate at a high frequency include gratitude, love, joy, and forgiveness (3).

When we live life operating at a low frequency, illness and disease are more likely to develop in our bodies. In fact, studies in epigenetics estimate that over 90% of disease is created in the mind (4). Many ailments and diseases have been linked to stress, including cardiovascular disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, allergies, headaches, and more (4). On the contrary, studies also show that high vibration emotions, like gratitude and joy, actually strengthen the immune system and can reverse disease (5). 

It’s important to note that in no way does this mean you should avoid negative thoughts, fear, anger, or stress. These emotions are part of living and can be valuable, especially when used as tools for learning. The big question is–what emotion or frequency are you operating at in your day-to-day life? Since our thoughts and behaviors are mostly driven by our subconscious mind, it’s important for us to make a conscious effort to become aware of our thoughts and emotions (3). In doing so, processing low-frequency emotions and learning how to shift our frequency from a lower to a higher vibration becomes easier. This is an especially valuable skill to practice for people who are chronically ill or struggling with life in any way. 

It’s also worth noting that simply thinking about “staying positive” doesn’t provide enough meaning or direction. If we aren’t feeling positive in the first place, how does one “stay” positive? Even simply “being positive” is a vague concept. How do you attain a positive mindset? It can feel impossible to think positive thoughts when we are going through challenging life circumstances, and it’s even more difficult for people who lack support. We need a pathway to go from negative to positive- from a state of low-frequency to high-frequency emotion – and that pathway is raising your vibration.

5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Raising your vibrational energy can be extremely beneficial to your mental and physical wellbeing. The law of attraction suggests that positive energy and positive thoughts bring more positivity into a person's life, while negative energy and thoughts likewise bring negative results. You'll find that if you spend time each day paying attention to your thoughts and feelings, it gets easier to maintain a high vibrational frequency and feel more positive every day.

  1. Meditation. Make meditation part of your daily routine, even if it’s just 20 minutes in the morning and at night. If you’re not familiar with meditation, Dr. Joe Dispenza, a neuroscientist who published several studies of the effects of meditation on the brain, has created 5 steps to meditation that people have found to be extremely powerful (6):

1. Breathwork. As you breathe in, visualize your breath going all the way down your body, into your root chakra. As you breathe out, visualize your breath going all the way up your body and into your crown chakra. Hold it there for a few seconds. Do this for a few minutes.

2. Focus. During this part of the meditation, you’ll focus on specific parts of your body and the space around them. People often choose to focus on the parts of the body correlated to the chakras. By doing this exercise repeatedly, you can access your subconscious mind and activate your parasympathetic nervous system (6).

3. Disconnect. Begin disconnecting from your body. Your hands and feet might feel distant. In this state, you become pure consciousness.

4. Feel. Once you’re in the quantum field of pure consciousness, you’ll be able to feel immense gratitude. According to Dr. Dispenza, gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership and when your mind and body are in deep coherence.

5. Return. As you slowly open your eyes and return to everyday life, try to maintain the emotion you had during your meditation.

  1. Create a gratitude journal. Find a journal that makes you feel good. Think of what you are grateful for and write a list in the journal. This exercise can help you to enter a state of love and shift your thoughts from a low frequency to a high-frequency state of mind (3). If you want to take it a step further, you can make another list of things you are grateful for in the future, as if they already happened. This can help you identify what you want to manifest in the future. Write in your gratitude journal at least 3-4 times a week or more if possible. When we get in the habit of feeling gratitude, it’s amazing how our lives can change and our mental and physical health can improve.

  2. Move your body. Exercising might seem obvious, and that’s because it works. Some of the many benefits it provides include releasing endorphins, getting the blood flowing through your body, and shifting your focus from the mind to the body (3).

  3. Fill your soul. At least 3-4 times during the week, make time to do something that fills your soul with joy and resets your emotions, even if it’s just for one hour. It could be something in nature like hiking, or maybe it’s dancing around your house to your favorite music. Maybe it’s taking a candlelight bubble bath or taking yourself out for a steak dinner. Whatever it is, immerse yourself in an activity that fills you with happiness at least 3-4 times a week.

  4. Feel your emotions. Understand that you’re going to have difficult days in life. You’re going to experience bumps in the road and have days where you feel low. Realize that feeling low is part of the process of healing, and it’s okay to feel that way. So if you’re having a rough day, let yourself feel it rather than suppressing it or pretending it’s all okay. Every day can be a fresh start if we let it.



  1. http://www.esalq.usp.br/lepse/imgs/conteudo_thumb/Everything-in-life-is-Vibration.pdf

  2. https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~muli/file/emotion_embc09.pdf

  3. https://www.therapy-directory.org.uk/memberarticles/ways-to-raise-your-vibration

  4. https://nasdonline.org/1445/d001245/stress-management-for-the-health-of-it.html

  5. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/six_ways_happiness_is_good_for_your_health

  6. https://www.julieshealing.com/complete-guide-to-joe-dispenzas-meditations/


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